Tag: India

New Project for IGCS Focus Area Landuse

Focus Area Landuse introduces ARiSE Chennai – Agroecology, Resilience, Sustainability and Entrepreneurship.

IGCS announces an exciting Focus Area Landuse, Urban/Rural Development project. Funded with Rs. 20 Lakhs under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by our partner company Solverminds Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Chennai. This 18-month-long project addresses one of humanity’s key grand challenges at the interface of rapid urbanization, particularly, how to make food production and consumption more sustainable, secure, just, and resilient.

Together with our partner organisation, Chennai Resilience Centre, we are looking forward to implementing the overarching objective of the project, which is to develop a strategic vision of peri/urban agroecology for the metropolitan region of Chennai that enhances climate risk resilience and sustainable development through an entrepreneurial approach, with the longer-term vision to create an urban food council. This project further builds on previous research in the Peri-Cene project by the IGCS Landuse area, which identified agroecology as a high-potential, sustainable, adaptive development pathway to address climate change and disaster risks.

Decorative Image: Focus Area Landuse

Furthermore, the workshop “Exploring Food System Transformation in the Chennai Region” laid the seeds for creating a stakeholder network. Additionally, this was built on a research collaboration with Die Agronauten, Freiburg, in Germany, including a co-authored IGCS Research Brief outlining several recommendations.

Contact IGCS’ Dr. Christoph Woiwode (woiwode@igcs-chennai.org) for further information.

About IGCS Cooperation

IGCS is a source of inspiration and skills for proactive sustainability transformation in research and teaching activities. The sustainable use of resources in times of climate change and forthcoming societal challenges is a pressing task. The centre offers valuable human capital and solutions for various global challenges. It equips international talents from German and Indian universities. It collaborates with companies and NGOs to accept this challenge. IGCS welcomes liaison with new partners to tackle the present global challenges together.

RWTH Aachen & ETS India hosts webinar: “Why Study in Germany”

RWTH Aachen University and ETS India bring you a free webinar, “Unlocking Opportunities: Why Studying in Germany Could Be Your Ticket to Success.”

The webinar highlights the manifold benefits that studying in Germany can offer Indian students. It will primarily focus on the high quality of education, research prospects, and job market opportunities that German universities provide. Additionally, the webinar will delve into the distinct characteristics of German culture and society, elucidating how these may prove advantageous to Indian students.

Register for the webinar happening on 19th May 2023 from 6:30 PM onwards. Come interact with us and get exclusive tips related to studying in Germany.

Visit https://lnkd.in/dXe7ynbg and register for the upcoming webinar today.

Prof. Dr. Elisa T. Bertuzzo conducts exchange research at IIT Madras on Peripheralisation and Translocalisation amidst the Pandemic

IGCS-fellow Prof. Dr. Elisa T. Bertuzzo, affiliated with the Berlin Academy of Fine Arts conducted their research on the project theme of “Peripheralisation in an Age of Translocalisation” under the IGCS focus area of Land Use / Rural and Urban Development at the IIT Madras, Chennai, India from December 2021 to February 2022. Despite the pandemic and travel restrictions, they were able to conduct fieldwork in Chennai. Their work focused on the field of Urban/Migration Studies and (Visual) Anthropology, particularly in the understanding of collective negotiation, sharing and co-use of space, political organization, and solidarity that determine the production of space in peri-urban zones.

You can read more about her experiences in our latest edition of IGCS Experience Reports, which you can also download below:

Are you interested in research on sustainability issues? The Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS) awards scholarships to students and researchers whose projects on sustainability issues benefit from a research exchange to India or Germany. Our research fellows receive a one-time travel fund in addition to a monthly scholarship. The scholarship provides travel and living expenses according to DAAD funding rates, as a rule. The Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS) offers scholarships to help you achieve your academic and professional goals.

Learn more about scholarship opportunities.

Nandhini Duraimurugan’s Sediment Transport Study Published in ISH Journal

The IGCS team is thrilled to share that Nandhini Duraimurugan, recipient of the IGCS research grant for 2023, has successfully published their research article titled “Field investigation of suspended sediment transport study in the Kandla Creek, Gujarat, India” in the ISH Journal of Hydraulics. This achievement is a testament to their hard work, dedication, and innovative contributions to the scientific community. We are honored to have been a part of their journey. Congratulations, Nandhini

You can find the link to the article here.

IGCS Summer School 2023 in Berlin, Germany

Summer School 2023

The Integration of Renewable Energies into a Power Grid – A Key Contribution towards a Carbon Neutral Society

Date: 24 July to 04 August 2023

Venue: Technical University in Berlin, Germany

IGCS Summer School 2023, Berlin
IGCS Summer School 2023 Information Flyer


Achieving net-zero emissions, mitigating climate change, preventing the excessive depletion of natural resources, and reducing waste are major challenges the world is facing today. The energy sector is of particular importance in meeting these challenges.

Nowadays, the primary targets and concerns worldwide are energy transition, clean energy, sustainable energy, and energy security. Based on the three main trends shaping the current and future global energy landscape – decarbonization, decentralization, and digitalization – the integration of renewable energy systems into the existing power grid represents a key challenge for an innovative and viable solution towards a carbon-neutral future.

The energy system of the future must be achieved through sustainable management of natural resources, ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns, developing energy infrastructure and technologies, and raising political and social awareness to contribute to this overall system development.

This year IGCS Summer School focuses mainly on the technical aspects of integrating different renewable energy sources into the existing power grid as an innovative and potential solution towards a sustainable and clean energy future. The economic, environmental, and social aspects of this system will also be discussed during the school. It brings together students from Indian and German institutions, who will jointly and interactively develop their skills with the following learning outcomes:

  • developing a fundamental and holistic understanding of the technical aspects of integrating different renewable energy sources into the existing power grid
  • identifying the technical challenges that must be overcome to integrate a high proportion of renewable energy into the existing grid, such as developing infrastructure and technology, coordinating power generation from multiple sources, balancing power supply and demand, advancing grid storage options, and increasing energy flexibility.
  • identifying the main challenges and outstanding issues related to the implementation of renewable energy resources from economic, environmental, and social perspectives.
  • proposing innovative solutions and strategies to implement renewable resources on a large scale.


This Summer School will run for twelve days from July 24th until August 4th 2023 and will consist of lectures, group works, panel discussions, excursions and intercultural exchanges.

The Summer School will be held as a physical event at the Technical University in Berlin, Germany.


The course is open to German* and Indian Master’s and PhD. Students. Knowledge of sustainability topics in the field of energy is of advantage. The number of participants is limited to 30 (15 German /15 Indian).

Selected participants from German universities will receive a mobility scholarship.

Selected participants from Indian universities will receive a mobility scholarship as well as a scholarship to cover living expenses during School.

IGCS is covering the costs of stay for all participants and will provide lunch on the weekdays.

*Non-German students and university graduates can apply if they are enrolled in the course of study at a German university to obtain a degree at a German university. For more information check DAAD-Website: Bewerbungen um ein Stipendium (German only).


Interested students may apply through the 2023 Application Form. The application deadline is 01st of May 2023. Applications received after this date will not be considered.

The link is open from 31st of March – 1st of May 2023(7 PM CET/10:30 PM IST). You will need to register first before you enter the actual form. You can switch between German and English. Please read the instructions carefully, including the help notes attached to many entry boxes.

Please prepare the following documents to be uploaded through the form:

  1. CV
  2. Transcript of records of last completed semester/graduation certificate.
  3. Letter of recommendation from an academic supervisor. It should state your academic and personal qualifications for participation in the IGCS Summer School.
  4. Enrolment certificate of your University
  5. Passport Copy
  6. Motivation Letter

Positive results will be announced in the beginning of May. We kindly ask you to refrain from inquiries about the application status in the meantime. You will be informed if you are not accepted and your data will be deleted.

Students may be eligible to receive credit points for their participation in the IGCS Summer School. Please check with your home institution.


Please contact project coordinator Lisa van Aalst or Dr. Anna Uffmann if you have any questions.


IGCS Area Coordinators for Energy, Prof. Dr. Frank Behrendt (Technical University Berlin), Prof. Dr. Krishna Vasudevan (Indian Institute of Technology Madras), and Dr. Khulud Alsouleman (Technical University Berlin).

Katchupedu Nook Celebrates First Achievements

On the outskirts of Chennai, the IGCS’s land-use area project, Katchipedu Nook, celebrated its first show of achievements by the young learners of a deprived community on Sunday, 27th November. The kids moderated the program and were supported by the two Nook Managers, Sona and Venkateshan, demonstrating documentary shooting and editing, dressing table carpentry, and piano play, among other things. Sustainable practices were also showcased through recycling, reuse and upcycling in coconut-shell jewellery, crochet bag making, and a drum set made entirely from plastic waste. The produce was sold with their brandmark stickers, “Katchipedu Nook”, demonstrating the kids’ entrepreneurial spirit!

The Nook is a self-learning and skill development centre where individuals can redefine and design education for themselves. The space provides a conducive environment to foster curiosity, innovation, problem-solving and critical thinking. To interact and promote self-learning, learners embark on projects where they set goals and do tangible projects to be showcased at the end of the goal cycle.

Congratulations to the team, and many thanks for a great and fun-filled show!

IGCS participates in K-Show in Düsseldorf

This week the IGCS Project coordinators visited the K-Show in Düsseldorf, Germany. The K-Show is the World’s biggest trade fair for plastics and rubber. Focus topics were Circular Economy, Digitalisation and Climate Protection.

IGCS emphasises the importance of collaborations with industries to address sustainability through joint initiatives. It was beautiful to engage with companies from India and Germany on a mission towards #Sustainability & #circulareconomy.

Announcement IGCS-motan Workshop 2022

#sustainabilitychallenge – Rethinking the Future of Plastics

Your ideas are too good to be forgotten!

IGCS and motan are carrying out a two-day virtual workshop.

Have you always had ideas on how to revolutionize the way we work and live with plastics in a sustainable way?

Then take part in our #sustainabilitychallenge: ‘Reduce | Re-Use | Recycle | Recover – Strategies Towards a Sustainable Plastics Industry: Rethinking the Future of Plastics’ and make a difference – shape the future with your innovative and sustainable ideas. 

Our collaborative efforts are dedicated to helping students from Indian and German academic institutions to develop and foster sustainable ideas. This workshop is a continuation of our joint vision: incorporate innovative and sustainable ideas generation in interdisciplinary research, teaching, training, and exchange in the area of sustainable development. Together motan and IGCS would like to motivate and support students to conduct research in the area of plastics and the circular economy.

Thus, IGCS and motan jointly extend an invitation to be a part of our event. We are always looking for motivated students to carry out a research project or an industry internship supported by motan and the IGCS.

Applications are now open. Please find the link here.

Deadline: 31. October 2021

Workshop Details:

Date: 6 – 7 December 2022

Program: Impulse lectures by domain experts, work in small groups on related topics and presentations

Target group: Students currently enrolled in an undergraduate (Bachelors), post-graduate (Masters), or doctoral program in Indian or German academic institutions

Award: The winner will get the opportunity to work out a research project with the support of motan and the IGCS


● Letter of Motivation

● CV

● Certification of enrolment (in current university)

About motan

Sustainability is a core value within the motan culture. This means not only the products, solutions, and behavior but also the training of young people and the development of global networks. In addition to social aid and cultural projects, the foundation’s focus is on introducing social responsibility into business activities. For more information on motan and their activities, please visit the link.