Category: Announcements

Call for Abstracts – NatRiskChange conference – Co-PREPARE participation

Research Training Group NatRiskChange at the University of Potsdam is organizing a second International Conference on Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World 5-6 October 2021.

Sharing the same goal COPREAPRE as one of the partners encourages the contribution and participation of the IIT Roorkee and the COPRPEPARE team. We would be happy to financially support the participation of research students, PhDs, postdocs, and faculty in a limited capacity.

Abstract submission deadline is 15 May 2021.

Summer School 2020: Online-event in October!

New Summer School dates: 05.10.2020 – 16.10.2020

More information about the school

The organizers of the IGCS Summer School 2020 have been closely observing the dynamic development in regards to the Corona virus SARS-CoV-2 and the safety precuations and travel restrictions that have come along with it.

IGCS has thus made the decision to conduct the summer school into an eco- and pandemic-friendly online format. The selected candidates will meet and collaborate virtually between October 5 – 16, 2020.

The organizers look forward to e-meet the interested and excellent students from India and Germany!

The application deadline ended on the 14th of June.

Summer Call for IGCS Scholarships in 2020

Update August 2020: given the current safety precautions and travel restrictions due to the Corona virus SARS-CoV-2, we strongly recommend selected fellows / interested applicants from the 2020 batch to postpone / plan the exchange not before 2021.

IGCS is proud to announce the scholarship program for 2020. We are inviting excellent researchers (Master and PhD students, Postdocs and Professors)

  • from German universities research institutions who plan to visit IGCS at IIT Madras in 2020. Update: Please note that IIT Madras has closed the campus for international students until the end of 2020 and will reopen in January 2021 at the earliest.
  • from Indian universities (IIT Madras, IIT Tirupati, IIT Palakkad, IIT Manid) who plan a research visit to a German university or research institution in 2020.

to apply for an IGCS scholarship. We collect applications until February 29 (winter call) and June 30 2020 (summer call). Spread the word!

Prospective deadlines for 2021 scholarships will be February 28 (winter call) and June 30 (summer call) 2021!

Please find all details in regard to funding, process and eligibility on our page “Grants”.

Workshop “Resilient cities: promises and paradoxes”

IGCS-Alumni Mariana Brito invites early-career researchers to participate in the international workshop “Resilient cities: promises and paradoxes”

She says: “Participation is mainly by invitation. Nevertheless, we would like to provide room for additional participants to share their insights. […] Applications should include a short CV and motivation letter […]. The workshop is free of charge and [organizers] will cover the costs for accommodation and transportation. […]”

When? Postponed until further notice
Where? Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ, Leipzig, Germany
Application Deadline: original deadline March 20, 2020
Contact: Mariana de Brito (
More information:
Homepage Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)

Exchange semester in India: Prepatory workshop for DAAD fellows

Exchange semester in India: Prepatory workshop for DAAD fellows

Cologne, June 28-30 2019, organized by DAAD IndiAlumni e.V.

The alumni association IndiAlumni e.V. invites DAAD fellows from Germany who plan an exchange to India to participate in the prepatory workshop. Interested candidates contact to reveive more information.

Please find below their invitation (German only):

Liebe Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten,
herzlichen Glückwunsch zu Eurem bevorstehenden Indienaufenthalt!
Hiermit möchten wir Euch auf unseren DAAD IndiAlumni Netzwerk e.V. und insbesondere auch auf das für Euch konzipierte Vorbereitungsseminar aufmerksam machen.
Das Alumni- Netzwerk wurde am 12.04.2014 von ehemaligen Stipendiaten, mit dem Ziel den interkulturellen Austausch zwischen Indien und Deutschland zu fördern, gegründet.
Heute engagieren sich über 115 Vereinsmitglieder in unterschiedlichen Aktivitäten, wie z.B. das Jahrestreffen, Workshops zu wechselnden Themen,
Stammtischen in einigen Großstädten und kulturelle Veranstaltungen.
Unsere Mitglieder kommen aus diversen Fachrichtungen, Regionen und sind durch unser Interesse an Indien vereint. Wir schätzen und leben Interdisziplinarität. Unser Verein bietet somit Raum für fächerübergreifenden Erfahrungsaustausch und gegenseitiges Lernen  –- und das auch in Bezug auf: Was mache ich mit all meinen Indienerfahrungen zurück in Deutschland? Wie kann ich diese gekonnt für meinen akademischen oder beruflichen Weg nutzen?
Für uns ist Indien ein faszinierendes Land, insbesondere aufgrund der vielen Unterschiede und Gegensätze. Aber gerade diese Unterschiede und Gegensätze machen das Land für den einen oder anderen zu einer Herausforderung. Um Euch gut auf Euren Indienaufenthalt vorzubereiten, möchten wir Euch die Möglichkeit bieten, Euch mit ehemaligen DAAD Stipendiaten auszutauschen –- kurzum –- wir bieten ein Speeddating an. Das Vorbereitungsseminar findet vom 28.06.2019 – 30.06.2019 in Köln statt.
Bei Interesse meldet euch gerne unter, wir melden uns dann bei Euch mit weiteren Informationen.
Achtung: Die Teilnehmerzahl ist limitiert, schnell sein lohnt sich!
Weitere Informationen zu uns IndiAlumnis findet ihr auf, Facebook und Instagram.

IGCS Alumni Meeting and Indo-German Dialogue 2018

Alumni Meeting | November 6 and 7, 2018 | Heidelberg

For the very first time, an Alumni meeting of the Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS) at the IIT Madras, Chennai, will be hosted at the Heidelberg University of Education on Nov. 6th and 7th 2018. For this purpose, the following call is meant for anybody who can consider himself or herself to be an alumnus of the IGCS, because he or she participated in an IGCS summer or winter school or stayed at the IIT Madras, Chennai, or a German University due to an IGCS research stay funding. The objective of the meeting is the initiation of a debate among the alumni on ways of sustaining their IGCS research experience by networking, combining research efforts, sharing experiences and field work know-how etc.

Program outline

In the course of the workshop, inputs will be provided on selected current issues and methodology of sustainability research, with a specific focus on transdisciplinary approaches and living labs. A guided design thinking workshop will support the participants in structuring ideas, options and approaches for establishing a longer term alumni network and alumni projects.

Indo-German Dialogue on Green Urban Practices | November 8-10, 2018 | Freiburg

The Indo-German Dialogue is conceived as a continuous series of an annual interaction of academics, civil society activists, government officials, and social business/ entrepreneurs. Its key objective is to provide a platform of sharing and exchange of experiences of social urban innovative change in Europe/Germany and India in order to leverage action towards new transdisciplinary research and practice projects.

Based on the experience and activities of participants/initiatives present at the first dialogue and supplemented by a further review of activities carried out across academia and practice we identified “Education, Learning, Training and Awareness” as a crucial area.

These activities connect to global policy frameworks and campaigns such as the UNESCO’s decade 2005-2014 Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and the Global Agenda 2030 on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Social transformations towards sustainable lifestyles will only succeed in practice when people reflect on and learn about the implications of their daily life activities, combined with widely communicating and spreading successful practices, skills, knowledge, values and behaviours. While the local conditions and context are essential dimensions that influence teaching and learning on the ground, transnational exchange is inevitable to generate global awareness and action. This importance is evident in Target 4.7 of SDG 4 on education that addresses ESD and related approaches such as Global Citizenship Education.

Objectives of this dialogue
  • good practices: role of learning, awareness, trainings for changing patterns towards sustainable living and consumption especially in urban contexts
  • knowledge sharing about methods of and approaches to ESD (education for sustainable development)
  • potentially, experiences of knowledge transfer implemented in projects
  • explore opportunities for collaborative projects in ESD
  • explore and document potential funding sources
Target groups and participants

The symposium seeks to bring together people from academia, grassroots activists and policy makers from Germany and India for a dialogue about the role and potentials that socially innovative individuals and citizens initiatives have in the sustainability transition of cities on the cross-cutting themes of education, learning, training and awareness.


The first two days will provide opportunities for participants to share and discuss their work and experiences including generating projects. Field visits in Freiburg on the third day will allow exposure to practical applications.

IGCS Summer School 2018 Public Lecture

Deltas, Floodplains, and Harbours as Geo-Bio-Archives: Human-Environment Interactions in Western Anatolia

July 16, 2018 | RWTH Aachen University

As part of the IGCS Summer School 2018 “Coastal and River Hazards & Management strategies”, we invite you to a public lecture by Prof Dr Helmut Brückner on July 16, 2018, at 18:00 hrs. The lecture will take place in the Generali-Saal of the SuperC (6th floor, Templargraben 57, Aachen) at RWTH Aachen University.

In Western Anatolia, the human footprint on the ecosystems, especially in Greek and Roman times, resulted in massive landscape changes. This holds particularly true for the ancient harbour cities of Ephesus, Miletus and Elaia. It will be demonstrated how the rise and fall of these settlements were closely connected with the life cycle of their harbours, which in turn was strongly dependent on the delta growth of the rivers Kaystros, Maiandros and Kaikos respectively.

Prof Brückner holds the Chair in Geomorphology at the University of Cologne. He studied Geography and Mathematics at the University of Düsseldorf. After his PhD and habilitation he lectured as a professor in Passau and Marburg; in 2010 he followed the call to Cologne. His research is focussed on aspects of coastal geomorphology, geoarchaeology and geochronology; regional foci are the Mediterranean countries, the Middle East, Chile, South and Southeast Asia. He is a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.