Katrin Bernard, Unveiling Urban-Nature Connections in Chennai for Sustainable Development

IGCS is delighted to provide insight into the research endeavours of Katrin Bernard, from the University of Duisburg-Essen and supervised by Dr. Helmut Schneider, who conducted a research exchange at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India. Katrin is focusing on urban sustainability for their master’s thesis, where they undertake a qualitative, exploratory examination of the spiritual and cultural associations urban residents maintain with nature. The research aims to elucidate the role of spirituality and culture in facilitating (re)connection with nature as a catalyst for profound transformations towards urban sustainability.

Central to the investigation are pertinent inquiries delineating relationships between Chennai’s populace and urban nature, the nuanced roles played by spirituality and culture within these connections, and the identification of nature experiences conducive to fostering a profound sense of connectedness. Anticipated outcomes include the derivation of implications for urban planning practices, with a focus on integrating values that fortify sustainable development.

Katrin looks forward to sharing updates as they diligently analyse the collected data acquired during their research stay with IGCS in Chennai.

You can read their research brief below: