The latest Bulletin is out: IGCS Bulletin Vol 5. (2). Read about IGCS´s numerous activites with German and Indian researchers such as the Indo-German conference on Sustainability in February, the IGCS Winter School on Biofuels, the Winter School on Air Pollution, the Conference on Air Quality and the Panel on Disaster Management at IIT Madras. IGCS hosts a short term lecturer, Dr. Roos Gerritsen from University of Heidelberg and several students from Kiel University and University of Augsburg. Dr. Mohan Kanda, IGCS Land-Use Area Coordinator, published a book on “Disaster Management in India: Evolution of Institutional Arrangements & Operational Strategies”. An interesting feature is published as well: Co-composting of Septage in Aerated Static Pile by Anu Rachel Thomas, Prof. Ligy Philip and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Kranert.